Tag Archives: parties

What to do?

15 Jun

I’ve been around for 63 years now and I’m getting pretty used to seeing the same old movies played over and over and over. So here we go again, getting ready to elect a President well over a year before it will actually happen. I’m already sick of it and it’s just getting started. All of the candidates are millionaires, of course, so they relate really well to the common person.  I have to be careful not to go out on any number of tangents here so what I am going to do is simply draw up a little list for starters about what I would do if I were President.  I understand the President is not a dictator, but this is more about ideas, not just who’s in charge. Maybe you should make up a list yourself. These will be linked to other pages and filled out over time. Just realize this is a work in progress.

Best Regards,

Frank Abernathy


Waste, Fraud, and Abuse

• Jobs (see infrastructure, energy, water and waste management, prisons, and energy)




Water management

Waste management


Illegal immigration

Illegal drugs