The Electoral College

The Electoral College

Folks, this is an idea whose time came and went about fifty to one hundred years ago, perhaps even farther back. It made sense back in the late 1700′s because travel by horse was exceedingly slow, and other than carrier pigeons, it was about the only way to send out messages. With the advent of the telegraph, the telephone, the automobile, and finally the computer, today this system makes absolutely no sense, whatsoever. It is used by the republicans and democrats to subvert the will of the people and have their way with you. Look at George Bush: There was no way he was elected by the people. Al Gore had one million or more popular votes than George Bush, plain and simple. The republican-dominated Supreme Court literally anointed him President! One branch of government dictated who would run another branch, and just look at the results of this judicial fiat: federal deficits so large that our credit rating has been downgraded for the first time in history! Are democrats any better?  Not hardly. They want to tax working people to death and toss your money out of the federal treasury to anybody who they feel is entitled to it. This would include people who lie about disabilities, have babies out of wedlock, have the appropriate skin color, ethnicity or sex, or just plain flat out lie to get a piece of the federal booty. If you are tired of all this crap you know what to do about it, but first you need an attitude adjustment. Don’t assume your vote has been wasted because you didn’t vote for a republican or a democrat. Assume your vote has been wasted if you DO vote for a republican or a democrat. If you keep voting these people back in, why should they change anything they are doing?

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