Tag Archives: incumbent

Vote Independent

18 Oct

What’s the best thing you as an individual can do to turn our country around? Pick from the best answers below:

A) protest

B) get organized

C) vote independent

A and B are great answers, but neither will have nearly as big of an impact as (C). You have the power to turn Congress upside down in just one election cycle. How should you vote?

A) republican

B) democrat

C) incumbent

D) independent

This is actually kind of a trick question. If an incumbent is an independent, keep them in. If not, replace them with another independent. The less you know about them, the less they owe some fat cats for getting their name out there. Could they wind up as flops? Absolutely! Could they be any worse than what we already have? I’ll let you answer that at voting time.

Remember, there is nothing in the Constitution that requires you to vote either for a democrat or a republican. You don’t have to vote for someone just because they were in a presidential debate on TV. You don’t have to vote for someone who throws up scores of slick TV ads designed to reel you in, just one month before an election. In fact, these are the very people you need to stay away from. Voting for these kind of people is the kind of knee-jerk response the major parties depend on to maintain their grip on power. Are you wasting your vote if you vote for someone besides a democrat or a republican? If you say yes, then, you have ceded your birthright to the whims, smugness, glibness, and sense of entitlement that permeates both of these two monopolistic parties. Always voting for the lesser of two evils is no way to improve our country. Chances are, if you do vote for an independent, they will probably not get elected. That’s true. Even so, you know that at least YOU did the right thing by not giving in. And the more people vote for independents, the more these two monolithic parties will begin to take notice….of  YOU. Let’s face it. Do you really want either of these parties totally in charge of our government? God forbid! This is why we have such a dysfunctional government, so neither of them go crazy passing some of the most outlandish legislation I have ever witnessed in my lifetime.

However, we do have some new weapons of change in our arsenal that haven’t been around very long, i.e., social networking.  Find out more about these “dark horse” candidates well before election time. Build a consensus and vote as a block.

What to do?

15 Jun

I’ve been around for 63 years now and I’m getting pretty used to seeing the same old movies played over and over and over. So here we go again, getting ready to elect a President well over a year before it will actually happen. I’m already sick of it and it’s just getting started. All of the candidates are millionaires, of course, so they relate really well to the common person.  I have to be careful not to go out on any number of tangents here so what I am going to do is simply draw up a little list for starters about what I would do if I were President.  I understand the President is not a dictator, but this is more about ideas, not just who’s in charge. Maybe you should make up a list yourself. These will be linked to other pages and filled out over time. Just realize this is a work in progress.

Best Regards,

Frank Abernathy


Waste, Fraud, and Abuse

• Jobs (see infrastructure, energy, water and waste management, prisons, and energy)




Water management

Waste management


Illegal immigration

Illegal drugs